What areas do you serve?
Our main areas we serve South Dakota, Iowa, and Southern Minnesota. If you are just outside of these areas, feel free to reach out and see if we can help!
What is magnesium chloride and how does it work for dust control?
Magnesium chloride is a hygroscopic compound that attracts moisture from the air. When applied to roads or surfaces, it keeps the surface slightly damp, which helps to bind dust particles together and prevent them from becoming airborne.
How do you measure the area that is treated?
We use state of the art GPS tracking for delivery and tracking of the areas covered.
Is magnesium chloride safe for the environment?
Yes, magnesium chloride is considered environmentally friendly compared to other dust control agents. It is less corrosive and less toxic, making it safer for plants, soil, and aquatic life when used appropriately.
I see you do roads, but do you do other areas?
Yes of course! We can do parking lots and other larger spaces that are not necessarily a standard road width. With our additional application equipment, we can customize to the space you need and keep things efficient.
Do you need to apply more than once a season?
No. Our formulate is designed to last a single season as long as your gravel roads are not in poor condition.
Can magnesium chloride be used on all types of surfaces?
Magnesium chloride is effective on a variety of surfaces including unpaved roads, construction sites, and agricultural areas. However, its effectiveness can vary depending on the surface material and conditions, so it’s recommended to assess the specific area before application.
What are the optimal weather conditions for applying magnesium chloride?
For best results, magnesium chloride should be applied during warmer and drier conditions. Moisture in the air helps the compound to activate and maintain surface dampness for dust suppression.
Is magnesium chloride safe for pets and wildlife?
Magnesium chloride is generally safe for animals when used as directed. However, ingestion in large quantities can be harmful, so it’s important to prevent direct access to large concentrations of the product.
How is magnesium chloride applied for dust control?
Magnesium chloride can be applied using sprayers or water trucks equipped to distribute the solution evenly over the desired area. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution and application rates.
What are the storage and handling requirements for magnesium chloride?
Magnesium chloride should be stored in airtight containers to prevent it from absorbing moisture from the air. Proper safety equipment, such as gloves and eye protection, should be used during handling and application to prevent irritation.
Can magnesium chloride be used in combination with other dust control measures?
Yes, magnesium chloride can be used alongside other dust control practices such as regular watering, applying gravel or other aggregates, and minimizing traffic speeds on treated surfaces to enhance dust suppression effectiveness.